IUD Insertions

Dr Josh Beckwith is offering IUD (intrauterine contraceptive device) services at Point Lonsdale Medical Group services using Mirena and Kyleena devices.
Patients are required to make 3 appointments.
1) An initial consultation (30 minute appointment) with Dr Josh Beckwith to discuss whether an IUD may be appropriate for you.
2) IUD insertion- This is booked on Tuesday afternoon into our procedure room with our nurse and DR Beckwith (1 hour appointment).
3) 6 week check (15 minute appointment)
The cost of an IUD insertion is $155 out of pocket.
There is no Bulk Billing for this service.
Fees may also apply for the initial consultation and the 6 week Check appointment.
Please contact reception on 5258 0888 to make an appointment.