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Travel Medicine






People who travel overseas have up to a 50 per cent chance of suffering a travel-related illness. While most travel-related illness is minor, some very serious infectious diseases are endemic in some parts of the world. All travelers should be prepared for travel and be aware of health issues and measures to protect themselves from sickness.


The most common travel-related sickness is gastrointestinal infection, which is generally picked up from poorly prepared food and untreated water. Be prepared and aware of health issues when travelling.


Prior to travel it is advisable to have a medical check up with your doctor and receive personalised advice on how to reduce your risk of illness and how to prevent infectious diseases. Point Lonsdale Medical group has on-line links with up to date travel health information, to ensure you receive the most accurate information possible.


To ensure you receive the best advice, your doctor will need to know the countries you will be visiting, how long you are staying and the time of year.




Immunisations may be necessary for protection against diseases you may encounter, for routine health measures or as legal requirements for entry into some countries.


As some vaccinations require a course over weeks to months, you should speak to your doctor as early as possible prior to your departure, generally 6 - 8 weeks prior is adequate.


We keep a large number of travel vaccinations in our dedicated vaccine fridge that can be purchased on the day (of which a portion of the cost can be claimed back through your private health insurance) which immunise against:

  • Hepatitis A

  • Typhoid

  • Yellow fever

  • Meningitis


We can also update immunity against:

  • Measles

  • Tetanus

  • Mumps

  • Rubella

  • Whooping cough

  • Influenza

  • Pneumonia


We advise on malaria prophylaxis and prevention and treatment of travelers' diarrhea

Yellow Fever Vaccinations


Point Lonsdale Medical Group is a government accredited vaccination center for Yellow Fever.

Prospective travelers will require a consultation with one of our GPs to review their medical history, risk of exposure, country vaccination requirements (for all countries being visited / transited) in line with the guidelines and requirements from the most recent NHMRC Australia Immunisation Handbook.

Where the Yellow Fever vaccine is given, the practice will provide the required certificate, “International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis.”  Please bring your passport to this appointment.

After you return.

Some illnesses can emerge weeks or even months after you have returned home from your trip. If the illness is severe or does not improve after 3 - 4 days, you should contact your doctor.

In the event of a medical emergency

call the ambulance on 000


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