Practice Information
Practice Information Guides
The following information guides have been provided for patients of PLMG to better understand our clinic and some of the services we provide
This Practice complies with the National & Health Privacy Principles. If you would like to view the Practice's full privacy policy, please speak with reception staff or email practicemanager@plmg.com.au
How do I make an Appointment?
You are able to make appointment with any of the practitioners via phone (03) 5258 0888 or online via HotDoc. (The HotDoc is available for free download via your app store) You can also click on "Book Appointment" on our website.
Please request the appropriate appointment length that will meet your requirements. If unsure check with reception.
How do arrange an after-hours visit?
When the practice is closed, please call the National Home Visiting Doctor Service on 13 74 25.
This service is bulk billed on presentation of a valid Medicare card.
How do arrange a Home visit?
Home visits are provided at GP discretion for registered patients unable to attend the clinic. To request a home visit, please contact our reception staff, (03) 5258 0888, your request will be discussed with your GP and you will be notified of the GPs decision.
Billing Policy and Fees
PLMG is a private billing practice.
Accounts are to be paid on the day of consultation.
Pension and Healthcare card holders are charge at the concession fee $20 out of pocket
Outstanding accounts may incur a late payment fee.
* Please note: There is no bulk billing on weekends and public holidays.
Brief Consultation $67.00
less than 5 mins
Standard Consultation $ 91.00
1-2 simple matters
approx. 15mins
Long Consultation $ 130.00
Extended Consultation $168.00
30mins +
Telephone Consultation- suitable for script repeats
>6mins $91.00
Public Holiday
Standard Consultation $112.00
Long Consultation $150.00
Procedures are to be paid in full. The Medicare rebate will be paid directly to the patient with an out of pocket expense between $50-$85 depending on the procedure.
How do I provide feedback or make a complaint ?
We are keen to get feedback from our patients. You make want to raise an issue, discuss a problem, make a formal complaint or let us know when we meet your expectations.
If you have any concerns, please feel free to discuss with any of us.
You can contact the Practice Manager, Georgina, on 5258 0888 or email practicemanager@plmg.com.au
If you have a complaint and you feel we have not dealt with it to your satisfaction, you may contact the Health Services Commissioner at this address.
Health Service Commissioner
10th Floor, 55 Swanston Street
Melbourne 3000
Ph: 1300 094 187
Do I need an appointment for a prescription?
The Doctors ask that you make an appointment to review your medical progress if a prescription is required. Brief consultations are also available for requests such as repeat prescriptions and simple problems.
Test results
The practice believes it is very important that you follow up any tests you have had. Your doctor will discuss with you the best way to do this and this may include a further consultation or to phone for your results.
Getting your results via the phone
Please call 52580888.
If your results are all normal, our reception staff can inform you of that.
If your doctor thinks it would be helpful to speak to a nurse for further information about your results, your call will be transferred to one of our nurses.
If you would like to speak to a nurse for further information, please ask and we will transfer your call to a nurse.
If your doctor would like to see you to discuss your results, the practice will contact you to schedule an appointment.
If your result needs urgent attention, we will contact you straight away. Please ensure we have your up to date contact details.
Generally a doctor cannot be interrupted during consulting time to give results, unless it is an emergency. The practice does not give out results via email
Reminder Systems
The Practice has a reminder system for patients. We send a reminder SMS/letter when they are due for a follow up test or review.
We also participate in some State and Federal Government reminder systems and registers.
Telephone Calls
You are able to book a Telehealth appointment with a practitioner, you will receive a phone call at your appointment time. This may be from an Private or unknown number.
SMS & Email
Due to privacy concerns we do not use SMS or regular email for communicating clinical information with patients. We can on request use encrypted email which is password protected. Appointment scheduling and reminders are sent via SMS to patients.
Please note that our incoming email service is not encrypted, and therefore we cannot guarantee the security of our email communications. There is a risk that emails and/or attachments could be read by someone other than the intended recipient (for example, as a result of widespread hacking, or because someone accesses your email account).
For this reason, we discourage health providers from sending emails to us with personal information about patients, and we discourage patients from sending emails to us with their own personal information.
However, in certain circumstances, we may agree to email you with a response to a query and/or with information or documentation that you have requested which does include your health information, provided that you have confirmed that you have considered and accepted the risks associated with email communications. Before we do so, we will need to verify your identity and your email address. Any email correspondence sent by email will be sent encrypted with a link with a link which is password protected.
We ask that other health practitioners do not email us with personal information about mutual patients (unless you have the patient’s express consent).
We prefer to receive correspondence via secure messaging, such as Argus, HealthLink, ReferralNet or Medical Objects. Please avoid faxing or posting us correspondence if you are able to send via one of these messaging systems.
Transferal of Patient Information
This Practice is more than happy to transfer your medical information to other Medical Practices as requested by you. Your request for transferal must also include a signed release form. These can be obtained at our reception or from the Practice requesting your information.
Please note: A fee of $25.00 will apply and is the responsibility of the patient to pay this.
Social Media
‘Social media’ is defined as online social networks used to disseminate information through online interaction.
This Practice does not engage in any online social media networks.
Zero Tolerance
Please help us make our clinic a safe place for everyone. Treat everyone with respect. Anyone who yells or otherwise threatens the safety of others will be asked to leave.